Our Story


How Salt of Satan was spawned…

I’m a trained chef who enjoys playing with his food.

I love heat and spice, but always felt hot sauces overpowered the flavor of my meals. 

One fateful day, a close friend gifted me fresh Carolina Reapers.  Literally the hottest peppers on the planet, they clock in at 1.5 million scoville units — 300 times hotter than jalapenos! 


I was excited to try them, but wary of their scorching heat. So, I blended the Reapers with salt to temper their fire, and the result was… beautiful.  The intense heat of the peppers infused the salt, while the salt preserved the bright, fresh flavor of the peppers. Salt of Satan was born.

I started adding it to my breakfast, lunch and dinner, and found that unlike hot sauces, Salt of Satan didn’t hijack my palate — it added a bright, clean heat that enhanced the natural flavor of my food.  It elevated my meals.  I became a little obsessed.

I continued experimenting with different salts, peppers, proportions and curing methods, and am proud to offer a range of Hot Salts that simply beat the hell out of hot sauce.

Salt of Satan won’t change your life, but it will transform your meals.

Try some, you’ll see.

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